Author Archives: Guy

Are You Living the Life of your Dreams?

Are you living the life of your dreams? If not, why? Many times we are so focused on our day to day tasks that we don’t stop to look up and re-discover the world around us. Think back to when you were a child. Remember how much fun you could have just by going outside […]

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What if you could do what you really love? What if you could be truly happy professionally? What if you could make as much money as you wanted? What if you could live your life with passion every day? What if you could really make a difference? What if you stopped procrastinating? What if you […]

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What is Getting in the Way?

Have you wanted to make a major change in your career or some other area of your life? Is something stopping you? What is getting in the way? When I told people about my decision to leave my great paying corporate job and become self employed, I got many compliemnts and pats on the back. […]

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Taking Inventory

Is it time to take inventory? There was a time when I felt life was passing me by and I was unable to manage my day to day activities. I was the virtual hamster on a treadmill running and running with no end. I decided to stop and take control. Now when I begin to […]

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Career Changes (or how I left corporate and gained my sanity)

The Decision Are you ready to leave your job but don’t really know what your next step is once you do? There was a time when I could not see how I was ever going to leave the secure madness of my corporate career and become self employed. I say secure madness because I was in […]

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