Have you wanted to make a major change in your career or some other area of your life? Is something stopping you? What is getting in the way?
When I told people about my decision to leave my great paying corporate job and become self employed, I got many compliemnts and pats on the back. However it was quickly followed by I wish I could do that “BUT”: I have a mortgage; I have to support my family; how will I survive?
So many questions were asked with a self fulfilling answer that consisted of doubt and negative self talk.
I’m not putting anyone down, because for years I asked myself many of the same self defeating questions without taking any action. I realized I was just plain ole “AFRAID” with a capital “A”.
I was afraid of failure, afraid of what others might think, afraid of what others might say. I recognized I had to address my own fears by admitting and addressing them individually. I began to ask myself a different set of questions.
I changed my internal dialog. Instead of I wish I could but, I started asking…”HOW CAN I”…change my career, survive while in start-phase; keep the same quality of life?
What I found was that I slowly started to get the answers to the questions I asked and by making them positive questions I received positive answers. I learned that your brain will answer you in the way you format your questions.
I believe we are all here for a bigger purpose than many of us are living. What would you do if fear wasn’t stopping you? What could you accomplish? What is getting in YOUR way?