By Guy | Published:
May 25, 2011
Are you living the life of your dreams? If not, why? Many times we are so focused on our day to day tasks that we don’t stop to look up and re-discover the world around us.
Think back to when you were a child. Remember how much fun you could have just by going outside and playing with your friends. You could easily lose track of time because you were having so much pleasure.
So what’s stopping you from doing that today? Instead of having your head down in the trenches look up and discover the beauty around you.
Get in touch with your inner child. What is it that you’ve always wanted to do that you just don’t believe is possible?
What if for a moment you could pretend to believe the possibilities? Close your eyes and imagine that your dream life is achievable. What does it look like? What would you be doing? How does it make you feel?
Remember it is all possible. The universe wants to give us want we want. The first step is to just believe. It is amazing what you can achieve when you consider the possibilities.
I challenge you to take the first step to living the life of your dreams today. What will it be?
By Guy | Published:
May 18, 2011
What if you could do what you really love?
What if you could be truly happy professionally?
What if you could make as much money as you wanted?
What if you could live your life with passion every day?
What if you could really make a difference?
What if you stopped procrastinating?
What if you created a plan?
What if you weren’t afraid?
What if you were afraid and did it anyway?
I’ve found that I use “what if” when I want to talk myself out of doing what I can to make a change in my life. Isn’t it time to be happy and reach your full potential? The first step is to know you can do it.
What is the first big step you’ll take today to move your life forward?
By Guy | Published:
May 16, 2011
Have you wanted to make a major change in your career or some other area of your life? Is something stopping you? What is getting in the way?
When I told people about my decision to leave my great paying corporate job and become self employed, I got many compliemnts and pats on the back. However it was quickly followed by I wish I could do that “BUT”: I have a mortgage; I have to support my family; how will I survive?
So many questions were asked with a self fulfilling answer that consisted of doubt and negative self talk.
I’m not putting anyone down, because for years I asked myself many of the same self defeating questions without taking any action. I realized I was just plain ole “AFRAID” with a capital “A”.
I was afraid of failure, afraid of what others might think, afraid of what others might say. I recognized I had to address my own fears by admitting and addressing them individually. I began to ask myself a different set of questions.
I changed my internal dialog. Instead of I wish I could but, I started asking…”HOW CAN I”…change my career, survive while in start-phase; keep the same quality of life?
What I found was that I slowly started to get the answers to the questions I asked and by making them positive questions I received positive answers. I learned that your brain will answer you in the way you format your questions.
I believe we are all here for a bigger purpose than many of us are living. What would you do if fear wasn’t stopping you? What could you accomplish? What is getting in YOUR way?
By Guy | Published:
May 10, 2011
Is it time to take inventory? There was a time when I felt life was passing me by and I was unable to manage my day to day activities. I was the virtual hamster on a treadmill running and running with no end. 
I decided to stop and take control. Now when I begin to feel anxious or restless I stop, get re-focused and do a reality check. I’ve learned to slow my breathing, decide what is really important in the moment and then prioritize. By listing what I want to accomplish in the order of importance, it helps me to stop, refocus and direct my energy to complete the most important assignment. I then do a mental checklist of upcoming tasks to complete and create a time line.
Some of the easiest things I’ve incorporated into my daily routine are deep breathing exercises, daily journals and sometimes even a brief fifteen minute walk can do the job to bring me back to my senses.
So remember, when you find yourself getting so caught up in producing and taking care of every task in front of you that it is impacting your quality of life, utilize some of the tools mentioned above. It will help you remain in control and accomplish what you’ve set out to finish each day.
By Guy | Published:
April 27, 2011
The Decision
Are you ready to leave your job but don’t really know what your next step is once you do?
There was a time when I could not see how I was ever going to leave the secure madness of my corporate career and become self employed. I say secure madness because I was in a highly stressed environment and it was challenging working together effectively. Every day there seemed to be some major issue or conflict.
I was making a very good salary and I was worried that everyone would say I was crazy, too old or the economy did not support a big move.
Of course, while I pretended these were everyone else’s worries, they were actually my own. I was afraid. I felt like the person at a bad party who didn’t want to get caught leaving as soon as the host turned their back.
It wasn’t until my doctor diagnosed what I thought were intense hunger pains as anxiety attacks that I knew something had to change. I made up my mind to address my fears. I set up a plan to leave and gave myself a deadline. But I still had to decide what I wanted to do.
My first step was to take an honest look at my abilities, skills and desires. It was the first time in years that I made an honest assessment of my skill set and what I enjoyed.
Next, I decided I needed to make career change my primary priority for the next six months. I cleared my calendar. I didn’t take on any big projects. No major traveling or vacations. All my energy was geared towards my transition out of corporate and into my idea career as a Life Coach.
Has it been a perfect ride? Of course not. But what I can say is that I’m much happier than I can recall in years and I am doing something I love.