As humans our natural inclination is to be creative. You can see examples of our creativity in everything around you.
It’s in the cars we drive, the homes we live in and the television shows we watch. I live in New York City and once decided to
walk up Broadway from 14th street to 160th street. It was early morning and in the quiet of the city I was amazed at the creativity I noticed in the architecture, window layouts and even the clothes people were wearing.
I wonder why many of us don’t take any time to create the life we want. Instead, we live our lives by default, taking whatever comes our way with no conscious decision on what we truly desire. We begin to believe that the opportunity to create no longer exists.
Some of think that as we get older we have less influence. Our circle of influence may grow smaller.
However, I believe God wants us to continue to be creative and our use our creativity and inspiration to have a positive impact on those around us.
As long as we’re alive, I believe God wants us to continue to create the best life ever. It could be something as simple as having a
positive impact on your grandchild’s life or something as grand as starting your own business.
Either way you are still involved in the universe and making an impact. Creativity keeps your imagination alive and helps you to continue to inspire others.
In fact, I believe that as we inspire others they will in turn become inspired and it will have an enormous impact on communities, organizations and individuals.
So continue to stay inspired and continue to use your God given ability to create your best life ever. You may just inspire someone to do the same.