Is fear stopping you from making major changes you know are needed in your life?

I had a good friend recently tell me she wanted to make a career change but she was “scared to death.” She said she could not move forward.

Fear is not an unusual thing, especially when you believe you are taking a step into the unknown.

Psychology Today says that “Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger—if we couldn’t feel it; we couldn’t protect ourselves from legitimate threats. But often we fear situations that are in no way life-or-death, and thus hang back for no good reason.”

I’ve found that in my own life fear has caused me to hang back for no good reason. Many times I wasn’t even fully aware of what I was afraid of.

However, it kept me dead in my tracks for so long that after awhile I couldn’t take it. I had to change.

I began to take action. I learned that as I moved forward I alleviated many of my initial fears. I started to gain momentum.

You’ll find that as you move out of your comfort zone into new surroundings fear is a natural component.

A practical method that works well is to list the goal you want to accomplish. Below it list all of the worries and doubts you can imagine. After you’ve completed your list review it in detail.

Ask yourself different questions. Decide you can make it happen and make a detailed list of alternative possibilities.

Take that fear and turn it around. As you begin to move forward your trepidation will lessen. Action alleviates fear. Be sure to celebrate your accomplishments as you make the adjustments.

When will YOU take your first step to move through YOUR fear?

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